当前位置:作文大全 > 二年级英语作文:赞粉笔


发布时间: 2021-10-25 16:39:11 浏览:


Chalk has long been common to people. It"s two inches long, round and well proportioned, hard and brittle.


Chalk has taught us a lot, from "AOE" in the first grade to English nowadays. It is painstakingly written on the blackboard that as one piece of chalk grows smaller and smaller, we grow up slowly.

纷纷扬扬的粉笔屑染 白了 老师的头发,但我们 从 老师手中的粉笔得到了许多知识。每当上课铃一响起,粉笔就安安静静地躺在那平凡的讲台上,老师用它在黑板上写字的时候,看着那一行行清晰的字,就像看到知识海洋里的珍珠。粉笔像个导游,它带我们找到了许许多多的知识,粉笔像个画家,它画出的画是世界上最美丽的画。


I praise chalk, more like chalk like people.

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