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发布时间: 2021-10-26 09:27:12 浏览:


"Go... Go... Let"s go, let"s hold hands, let"s go Go... Go for a walk, spring outing together... ". Let"s go to spring outing singing!

我们去的是植物园,那里的花草树木可多了,我们一进去就有新鲜的空气扑鼻而来。老师带我们去了一片大森林,我听见小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫声,好像在说:“这里真美,在这儿安家住吧”。忽然,我又看到小松鼠一蹦一蹦的跳到树上,我们都想和它握握手,可它却不理我们,好像在说:“我才不理你们哪,早点回家吃松籽那该多好呀”。我和同伴在草地上快乐的玩了起来,一会儿玩跳绳、一会儿玩口袋、一会儿玩打卡片 ,一会儿玩踢毽子……我们玩的可开心了,突然,老师集合的铃铛响了,我们恋恋不舍的上车了。

We went to the botanical garden, where there are so many flowers, plants and trees. As soon as we went in, fresh air came to us. The teacher took us to a big forest. I heard birds chirping, as if to say, "it"s beautiful here. Settle down here.". Suddenly, I saw the little squirrel jumping to the tree again. We all wanted to shake hands with him, but he ignored us, as if to say, "I don"t care about you. It"s so nice to go home early and eat pine seeds.". My partner and I played happily on the grass, skipping rope, pocket, card and shuttlecock We had a good time. All of a sudden, the bell of the teacher"s assembly rang, and we reluctantly got on the bus.


This is the happiest day. It"s also my happiest day.

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